I wanted to paint classical but the Art folks said that I should “evolve”

During my childhood, I tried to imitate the work of Juan Luna’s ‘Spolarium’  by sketching from an old Philippine History book. I was amazed by the work of Juan Luna, Felix Hidalgo, and Amorsolo. The book never mentioned them as artists, but as painters and heroes.

During those times, I did not know about Art or Kitsch because they were never common topics in my hometown. We called a maker of paintings a “pintor” (painter) but never an “artist.” 

When I entered art school they told me that my works are art, and painting is art. At that time, I learned about the Mona Lisa, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, etc. What struck me most was the work of Caspar David Friedrich, which I admire.

I truly wanted to paint in a classical manner but the Art folks around me said that I should “evolve” and create something new if I want to be in with the galleries and for my works to be sold. Out of poverty, I tried my best to follow it, but I end up creating confusing and mediocre works.

I am glad that through the internet I found and learned about Kitsch and Odd Nerdrum. It brings hope to my soul.

It seems to me that the real objection to kitsch and sentimentality is the rejection (or fear) of emotions

— G. E. Burcaw, author